The Battle of Navarino
The naval battle took place on October 20, 1827 and was crucial for the independence of Greece.
The naval battle took place on October 20, 1827 and was crucial for the independence of Greece.
At the archaeological museum located in Delphi after excavations that took place at the end of the 19th century by the French school of Athens, 2 similar statues were discovered. At the base of one of the two statues, there was an inscription revealing the name of the sculptor, Polimides and their birthplace which was the city of Argos.
According to the Ancients Greeks, wisdom is the excellent knowledge of something. The word philosopher was first used in the 6th century B. C. to declare the man who had zeal for learning. All this need for the analysis of everyday life by philosophers helped to formulate the philosophical phrases.
From the first period of the Revolution, Kolokotronis wished the siege of Tripolitsas because it was the administrative, military and commercial center of the Turks in Peloponnese. The Greek Beys didn’t accept his proposal because the army wasn’t organized.
Each year the last weekend of September is organized the Spartathlon Ultra Race.
Located on the southern side of Erechtheion, gaze the Parthenon and in the background the city of Athens.
In recent years a new form of alternative tourism has been developed in Greece. Special paths have been created in Greece, especially for mountain biking. Travellers with a sporting or exploratory spirit will have the chance to admire idyllic landscapes while doing their favorite sport. In Peloponnese, there are interesting routes in many areas around Tripoli such as Nafplion, Sparta and the coastal side of Messinia.
Every time you decide to travel, you wonder which destination to choose and if you’ll go alone or with a group. So the question that arises every time you wish to travel is: “Shall I travel alone, in a group or dare to choose a private tour?
The first recorded Olympic Games took place in Olympia in 776 B.C although it’s certain that they existed earlier. The Games at this time were local and the Greeks were competing in foot race only. During the Olympics, the athletes were competing in pentathlon, wrestling, horse races and pankration. The sports lasted 5 days and were divided in two categories, light and heavy.
The fall of Constantinople on 29 May 1453 is one of the most memorable and significant periods of the world history. The conquest of Constantinople by the Ottomans lasted 53 days. The fall of the byzantine capital meant also the end of the Byzantine Empire after 1500 years. During the centuries, people tried through legends and myths to keep the hope alive.
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