Cycling Holidays in Peloponnese

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In recent years a new form of alternative tourism has been developed in Greece. Special paths have been created in Greece, especially for mountain biking. Travellers with a sporting or exploratory spirit will have the chance to admire idyllic landscapes while doing their favorite sport.  In Peloponnese, there are interesting routes in many areas around Tripoli such as Nafplion, Sparta and the coastal side of Messinia.

So if you plan to ride a bicycle you must take into account the following:

  • Initially, you must make a trip plan, considering the time you have and the money you wish to spend.
  • You have to decide whether you will stay in the countryside or in a hotel.
  • Whether you will carry your meal or you will buy it from various points.
  • Avoid the tunnels or roads with traffic and prefer the provincial roads for more safety and exploration. It is good to check if those roads are used by hikers, animals or other vehicles.
  • You need to know the weather conditions of the area because the hot season is not always the best for the cyclist.

In addition to the appropriate outfit (helmet, knee pads, biking gloves, and elbow pads) you need to stock in your backpack some necessary equipment, such as:

  • Mobile phone with gps
  • First aid kit
  • Bicycle tools
  • Tire pump
  • Money

So if you are cycling lovers hop on your bicycle, choose the appropriate outfit and have the chance to combine exercise with the opportunity to admire the Greek nature, beaches and unique landscapes.


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